The World Series champ behind Showboat Branson Belle’s cruise cuisine

Last Updated:December 03, 2024
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The World Series champ behind Showboat Branson Belle’s cruise cuisine The World Series champ behind Showboat Branson Belle’s cruise cuisine
Heart & Soul
Hannah Stroud Hannah Stroud

Over the past 12 years, Hannah Stroud has whipped up a culinary career as remarkable as the views from the Showboat Branson Belle. From kitchen newbie to the Food Manager of the iconic cruise, her journey to the top is full of big turns and a whole lot of flavor.

It started at College of the Ozarks where she was actually studying numbers, not recipes.

“I was a math major!” she chuckles. “Then, my work program sent me to the kitchen at the Keeter Center, and that’s when everything changed.”

There, surrounded by seasoned chefs, she realized the food world was a fun place to be!

“It’s funny because I was never one of those kids who liked to help out in the kitchen when I was little, but the chefs at C of O opened my eyes to a whole new world.”

And just like that, she switched her major to Culinary & Hospitality after just one semester and landed a summer job as a cook in the galley on the Showboat Branson Belle. With an enthusiastic spirit and a mind hungry to learn all she could in that kitchen, Hannah quickly worked her way up. Just two years after her career set sail, she was in charge of the entire food operation, coordinating meals for hundreds of guests daily and keeping the workflow as smooth as the pristine waters on Table Rock Lake.

“We’re a big family here,” she beams. “There’s so much to orchestrate with the staff. We have to keep operations on time so meal service doesn’t interrupt walkaround time for our guests. We want them to have plenty of time to move about the boat. That means we have to be precise with our timing.”

She may not have become a math teacher but Hannah, who grew up near Kansas City, still crunches plenty of numbers on the job.

“From juggling how much food we need for folks on board to budgeting to seat configurations, I still get my math fix!”

And, some more numbers to chew on: When the boat is full, it takes 23 servers, three members of leadership, six server assistants and 14 folks in the kitchen to adequately care for guests.

“Sometimes, we’ll feed up to 2,000 visitors on a Saturday. That’s really satisfying to think about after a long day. Cooking for people provides instant gratification. You can fill their bellies and see them so happy. That makes us happy!”

One thing to know about Hannah—she’s humble. When food operations aboard are smooth sailing, she’s the first to give credit to her team.

“That’s because I’ve been there in the trenches,” she smiles. “I started in that galley and know how hard they work. I want them to feel supported by me. I love going down there and hopping on the grill to help out. They all have such a heart for our guests and care immensely for each other. We celebrate each other’s wins and really are a family. We’re on this boat together!”

Desserts Desserts
Stroud Family Stroud Family

Hannah also made a big name for herself on the barbecue circuit. She, along with her brother Mike and her father Kenny, enter around six competitions a year. At the recent American Royal World Series of BBQ in Kansas City, she enjoyed sweet success she still can’t believe.

There were 440 total teams signed up to compete with 200 entries in the dessert competition. Hannah put a little twist on the Showboat’s storied ooey gooey butter cake. She made a homemade apple pie filling and put it on top of small butter cakes. It was an obvious hit. Hannah took first place.

“It still blows my mind that I won. Super special. I got a gorgeous pie plate commemorating my winning entry. I think I’ll definitely display that in my office instead of at home—keep it safe from toddler hands.”

Those tiny little hands belong to Hannah’s pride and joy, Emily. She and her husband Jacob, a senior captain on the Showboat, are doting parents to the sweetest, spirited redhead.

“I’m just taking in all of these blessings,” she smiles. “I’ve got the best family and an office with the best view around. I will never get tired of this.”

For more information on the Showboat Branson Belle, including the special PJs and Pancakes Christmas cruises, visit

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