Our Heart & Soul Storyteller

Last Updated:January 20, 2025
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Our Heart & Soul Storyteller Our Heart & Soul Storyteller
Heart & Soul

Brandei Clifton believes everyone has a story. As the pioneer of our Heart & Soul series, she’s a journalist living life full circle— a little kid in Kansas who grew up with big dreams of celebrating ordinary folks through her writing.

As the PR Manager for Silver Dollar City, she can light up a room with stories of the City’s Citizens, whom she sees as memory makers for our guests. With her warm smile, infectious energy, and boundless enthusiasm, she’s become a beloved figure—not just in the park—but in the hearts of everyone who works with her.

Brandei grew up outside Lawrence, Kansas where her family owned a candy store. Silver Dollar City was the only vacation Brandei and her family took when she was little. She says it’s all they ever needed. “Every trip felt like a reunion with my friends. I’d get a little nibble of peanut brittle from Aunt June and Terry Sanders would always greet us. They made me feel so special! The smell of our blacktop on a summer day takes me back to those days. Those were good, good days!”

Brandei Clifton Brandei Clifton

The first—and only time—she ever got grounded was at Hannah’s Ice Cream Parlor during a visit to The City in Kindergarten. “I was interviewing my big sister with an ice cream cone, and she wouldn’t answer my questions, so I flung my mint chocolate chip right in her face,” she laughs. “Mom and Dad took away my souvenir money that trip which meant I didn’t get a personalized parasol. Pretty sure Dad snuck around and bought me one anyway. I guess that shows that I loved interviewing people even back then.”

Brandei’s father wasn’t the type to show a lot of emotion, but he always had a big smile when they visited The City. Every time they’d hop on the tram to the front gates, he’d joke, “Welp, that’s all we’re riding! Time to go home!” Now, Brandei’s husband, Trevor Clifton, keeps that same fun tradition alive when their family visits the park. It’s moments like these— woven into the heart of Silver Dollar City— that make it such a special place for Brandei and millions of guests each year.

In 1989, Brandei’s family decided to make the Ozark Mountains their forever home. It was the start of something special! With her love for storytelling, it’s no surprise that Brandei went on to study journalism at Missouri State University. After graduating in 2003, she enjoyed a fruitful career at KOLR 10, the CBS affiliate in Springfield, MO. Little did she know her storyteller’s dream would come true almost 20 years later.

After transitioning from a career in broadcasting to public relations, she knew there had to be a way to weave storytelling into the world of corporate publicity. “It’s all about connection. Folks don’t connect with products, but they sure do with people,” she says. “During my tenure as a spokesperson for our local hospital, I found a way to tell the story of rural health care through the voices of frontline heroes.”

After leading the hospital’s PR efforts through the COVID-19 pandemic, the publicity manager role opened at Silver Dollar City. It was a full-circle moment. Brandei reflects, “I knew I had to throw my name in the hat. The park is a playground for a journalist, and I wanted so badly to get here and get my hands onto generations of stories left untold. I still pinch myself that they took a chance on me.”

Jessica Chandler, an Area Host who later transitioned to Merchandise Guest Services, was one of the first team members to share her story in the Heart & Soul series. Reflecting on her experience, she smiles as she recalls how the article impacted her: “She has given me the confidence and courage to love and embrace my true self. When she wrote my Heart & Soul article, it fueled my fire like no other. It made me feel so loved.”

Jessica’s words speak to the power of Brandei’s writing. “She is truly genuine, and her energy is like no other. When she wrote a Heart & Soul article about Dwaine and Erwin, two of our eldest Area Hosts, they said they never felt so seen and heard before and it gave them such a boost!” Through Brandei’s heartfelt storytelling, team members not only feel recognized but deeply valued.

Her presence is a reminder that, no matter how big or small, the story deserves to be shared. Through her work, she’s helped to create an environment where everyone feels valued, heard and appreciated. Brandei is always spreading sparkle and joy wherever she goes.

Brandei Clifton Saloon Girl Dress Brandei Clifton Saloon Girl Dress
Brandei Clifton at Resort Site Brandei Clifton at Resort Site

I had the opportunity to speak with Terry Sanders, a cherished Silver Dollar City employee with 45 seasons of experience. “Meeting Brandei truly touched my heart. Her sincere, compassionate words immediately made me trust her. When she invited me to join her ‘Heart & Soul’ project, I was humbled and honored. It’s clear Brandei embodies the Heart & Soul of Silver Dollar City. Every interaction with her is uplifting and full of positive energy. I’m grateful to have her in the SDC family—she’s the real deal!”

Brandei’s impact on the Silver Dollar City community goes beyond her role as a storyteller—she is a beacon of light, kindness, and genuine care for every individual she encounters. As she shares, “Every single citizen here matters to my heart. When I am walking through the park, I see the connections they make with guests. I see how much they impact families. I see them shine, and it’s my greatest honor to share words about the Heart & Soul they are to so many. They are like the ‘friends’ I looked up to when I was a child here. I’ll never, never stop celebrating them.”

Speaking of those Silver Dollar City ‘friends’ I sat down with the icon, June Ward, the Candy Queen of The City for 57 years and listened to her story about Brandei. Sassy as ever, she shared some fun moments she had with our Heart & Soul author.

“She first showed up here at Silver Dollar City when she was just four years old. When she saw me as an adult, she started crying! She said, ‘Oh June, you’ve impacted my life in ways you’ll never know!’ It made her emotional remembering all those childhood visits— but of course, she didn’t say anything about all the new wrinkles I’ve earned over the years. She calls them ‘laugh lines,’ but let me tell you, there’s nothing funny about them!”

June continues, her face lighting up as she talks about Brandei’s flair for life: “I also love how Brandei always wears her bright red lipstick—something I’ve always told her to do. She’s such a great fit for our culture here. She’s got that spark and energy that makes this place shine!”

The Heart & Soul series is a way Brandei honors and recognizes goodness in the incredible people around her. We are truly blessed to know her—her light and unwavering dedication to inspire all of us to strive for kindness, connection and celebration of the unique stories that make us who we are. At Silver Dollar City, Brandei isn’t just telling stories— she’s creating a legacy, and we’re privileged to be a part of it.

Check out all the past ‘Heart & Soul’ series and keep an eye out for new stories each week at ozarkly.com and on Silver Dollar City social media channels.

Brandei Clifton and Madie Foreman Brandei Clifton and Madie Foreman
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